Практический пример машинного обучения

Ирэн Риверо (01.13.2023)

Этот проект посвящен созданию алгоритма неконтролируемого машинного обучения K-meanв Scikit-Learn для выполнения сегментации клиентов. Мы выполним следующие задачи:

  1. Понять постановку проблемы и бизнес-кейс
  2. Импорт библиотек и наборов данных
  3. Визуализируйте и исследуйте наборы данных
  4. Используйте библиотеку Scikit-Learn, чтобы найти оптимальное количество кластеров с помощью метода локтя.
  5. Применение k-средних с помощью Scikit-Learn для сегментации клиентов
  6. Применение метода анализа основных компонентов (PCA) для уменьшения размерности и визуализации данных

K-значит интуиция

K-means — это алгоритм обучения без учителя (кластеризация). Он работает путем группировки некоторых точек данных вместе (кластеризация) без присмотра.

Алгоритм группирует наблюдения с похожими значениями атрибутов, измеряя евклидово расстояние между точками.

Шаги алгоритма K-средних:

  1. Выберите количество кластеров «K»
  2. Выберите случайные K точек, которые будут центроидами для каждого кластера.
  3. Назначьте каждую точку данных ближайшему центроиду, это позволит нам создать «K» кластеров.
  4. Вычислить новый центроид для каждого кластера
  5. Переназначьте каждую точку данных новому ближайшему центроиду
  6. Перейти к шагу 4 и повторить

Понять постановку проблемы и бизнес-кейс

В этом проекте я буду действовать так, как если бы меня наняли специалистом по данным в банке. Мне предоставили обширные данные о клиентах банка за последние полгода.

Данные включают транзакции, частоту, сумму, срок действия…

Маркетинговая группа банка хотела бы использовать AI/ML для запуска целевой маркетинговой рекламной кампании, ориентированной на определенную группу клиентов.

Чтобы эта кампания была успешной, банк должен разделить своих клиентов как минимум на 3 отличительные группы.

Этот процесс известен как «сегментация маркетинга» и имеет решающее значение для максимизации коэффициента конверсии маркетинговой кампании.

Будет четыре типа групп клиентов:

Операторы: клиенты, которые платят наименьшую сумму процентов и бережно относятся к своим деньгам.

Револьверы: клиенты, которые используют свою кредитную карту в качестве кредита. Эта группа является наиболее прибыльным сектором для банка, поскольку они платят 20% + проценты.

Новые клиенты. Этих клиентов с небольшим стажем можно использовать для регистрации в других банковских услугах (например, в кредитной карте для путешествий).

VIP/Prime: клиенты с высоким кредитным лимитом/% полной оплаты; нацелены на увеличение кредитного лимита/расходов.

Источник данных: https://www.kaggle.com/arjunbhasin2013/ccdata

Импорт библиотек и наборов данных

!pip install jupyterthemes
import jupyterthemes
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, normalize
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from jupyterthemes import jtplot
jtplot.style(theme='monokai', context='notebook', ticks=True, grid=False) 
# setting the style of the notebook to be monokai theme  
# this line of code is important to ensure that we are able to see the x and y axes clearly
# You have to include the full link to the csv file containing your dataset
creditcard_df = pd.read_csv('.../Unsupervised Machine Learning for Customer Segmentation/marketing_data.csv')

# CUSTID: Identification of Credit Card holder 
# BALANCE: Balance amount left in customer's account to make purchases
# BALANCE_FREQUENCY: How frequently the Balance is updated, score between 0 and 1 (1 = frequently updated, 0 = not frequently updated)
# PURCHASES: Amount of purchases made from account
# ONEOFFPURCHASES: Maximum purchase amount done in one-go
# INSTALLMENTS_PURCHASES: Amount of purchase done in installment
# CASH_ADVANCE: Cash in advance given by the user
# PURCHASES_FREQUENCY: How frequently the Purchases are being made, score between 0 and 1 (1 = frequently purchased, 0 = not frequently purchased)
# ONEOFF_PURCHASES_FREQUENCY: How frequently Purchases are happening in one-go (1 = frequently purchased, 0 = not frequently purchased)
# PURCHASES_INSTALLMENTS_FREQUENCY: How frequently purchases in installments are being done (1 = frequently done, 0 = not frequently done)
# CASH_ADVANCE_FREQUENCY: How frequently the cash in advance being paid
# CASH_ADVANCE_TRX: Number of Transactions made with "Cash in Advance"
# PURCHASES_TRX: Number of purchase transactions made
# CREDIT_LIMIT: Limit of Credit Card for user
# PAYMENTS: Amount of Payment done by user
# MINIMUM_PAYMENTS: Minimum amount of payments made by user  
# PRC_FULL_PAYMENT: Percent of full payment paid by user
# TENURE: Tenure of credit card service for user

# Let's apply info and get additional insights on our dataframe
# 18 features with 8950 points  

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 8950 entries, 0 to 8949
Data columns (total 17 columns):
 #   Column                            Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                            --------------  -----  
 0   BALANCE                           8950 non-null   float64
 1   BALANCE_FREQUENCY                 8950 non-null   float64
 2   PURCHASES                         8950 non-null   float64
 3   ONEOFF_PURCHASES                  8950 non-null   float64
 4   INSTALLMENTS_PURCHASES            8950 non-null   float64
 5   CASH_ADVANCE                      8950 non-null   float64
 6   PURCHASES_FREQUENCY               8950 non-null   float64
 7   ONEOFF_PURCHASES_FREQUENCY        8950 non-null   float64
 8   PURCHASES_INSTALLMENTS_FREQUENCY  8950 non-null   float64
 9   CASH_ADVANCE_FREQUENCY            8950 non-null   float64
 10  CASH_ADVANCE_TRX                  8950 non-null   int64  
 11  PURCHASES_TRX                     8950 non-null   int64  
 12  CREDIT_LIMIT                      8950 non-null   float64
 13  PAYMENTS                          8950 non-null   float64
 14  MINIMUM_PAYMENTS                  8950 non-null   float64
 15  PRC_FULL_PAYMENT                  8950 non-null   float64
 16  TENURE                            8950 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(14), int64(3)
memory usage: 1.2 MB

Какова средняя, ​​минимальная и максимальная сумма «БАЛАНС»?

print('Average, min, max =', creditcard_df['BALANCE'].mean(), creditcard_df['BALANCE'].min(), creditcard_df['BALANCE'].max() )

Average, min, max = 1564.4748276781006 0.0 19043.13856
# Let's apply describe() and get more statistical insights on our dataframe
# Mean balance is $1564 
# Balance frequency is frequently updated on average ~0.9
# Purchases average is $1000
# one off purchase average is ~$600
# Average purchases frequency is around 0.5
# Average credit limit ~ 4500
# Percent of full payment is 15%
# Average tenure is 11 years


Получение характеристик покупателя, совершившего максимальное количество «ONEOFF_PURCHASES»

creditcard_df[creditcard_df['ONEOFF_PURCHASES'] == 40761.25]

Как насчет клиента с максимальным «CASH_ADVANCE».



creditcard_df[creditcard_df['CASH_ADVANCE'] == 47137.21176]

Визуализируйте и исследуйте наборы данных

# Let's see if we have any missing data? luckily we don't have many!
sns.heatmap(creditcard_df.isnull(), yticklabels = False, cbar = False, cmap="Blues")


CUST_ID                               0
BALANCE                               0
BALANCE_FREQUENCY                     0
PURCHASES                             0
ONEOFF_PURCHASES                      0
CASH_ADVANCE                          0
PURCHASES_FREQUENCY                   0
CASH_ADVANCE_TRX                      0
PURCHASES_TRX                         0
CREDIT_LIMIT                          1
PAYMENTS                              0
MINIMUM_PAYMENTS                    313
PRC_FULL_PAYMENT                      0
TENURE                                0
dtype: int64
# Fill up the missing elements with mean of the 'MINIMUM_PAYMENT' 
creditcard_df.loc[(creditcard_df['MINIMUM_PAYMENTS'].isnull() == True), 'MINIMUM_PAYMENTS'] = creditcard_df['MINIMUM_PAYMENTS'].mean()

CUST_ID                             0
BALANCE                             0
BALANCE_FREQUENCY                   0
PURCHASES                           0
ONEOFF_PURCHASES                    0
CASH_ADVANCE                        0
PURCHASES_FREQUENCY                 0
CASH_ADVANCE_TRX                    0
PURCHASES_TRX                       0
CREDIT_LIMIT                        1
PAYMENTS                            0
MINIMUM_PAYMENTS                    0
PRC_FULL_PAYMENT                    0
TENURE                              0
dtype: int64
#Fill out missing elements in the CREDIT_LIMIT column
#Double check and make sure that no missing elements are present

creditcard_df.loc[(creditcard_df['CREDIT_LIMIT'].isnull() == True), 'CREDIT_LIMIT'] = creditcard_df['CREDIT_LIMIT'].mean()


CUST_ID                             0
BALANCE                             0
BALANCE_FREQUENCY                   0
PURCHASES                           0
ONEOFF_PURCHASES                    0
CASH_ADVANCE                        0
PURCHASES_FREQUENCY                 0
CASH_ADVANCE_TRX                    0
PURCHASES_TRX                       0
CREDIT_LIMIT                        0
PAYMENTS                            0
MINIMUM_PAYMENTS                    0
PRC_FULL_PAYMENT                    0
TENURE                              0
dtype: int64
sns.heatmap(creditcard_df.isnull(), yticklabels = False, cbar = False, cmap="Blues")

# Let's see if we have duplicated entries in the data

#Drop Customer ID column 'CUST_ID' and make sure that the column has been removed from the dataframe
creditcard_df.drop('CUST_ID', axis=1, inplace= True)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 8950 entries, 0 to 8949
Data columns (total 17 columns):
 #   Column                            Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                            --------------  -----  
 0   BALANCE                           8950 non-null   float64
 1   BALANCE_FREQUENCY                 8950 non-null   float64
 2   PURCHASES                         8950 non-null   float64
 3   ONEOFF_PURCHASES                  8950 non-null   float64
 4   INSTALLMENTS_PURCHASES            8950 non-null   float64
 5   CASH_ADVANCE                      8950 non-null   float64
 6   PURCHASES_FREQUENCY               8950 non-null   float64
 7   ONEOFF_PURCHASES_FREQUENCY        8950 non-null   float64
 8   PURCHASES_INSTALLMENTS_FREQUENCY  8950 non-null   float64
 9   CASH_ADVANCE_FREQUENCY            8950 non-null   float64
 10  CASH_ADVANCE_TRX                  8950 non-null   int64  
 11  PURCHASES_TRX                     8950 non-null   int64  
 12  CREDIT_LIMIT                      8950 non-null   float64
 13  PAYMENTS                          8950 non-null   float64
 14  MINIMUM_PAYMENTS                  8950 non-null   float64
 15  PRC_FULL_PAYMENT                  8950 non-null   float64
 16  TENURE                            8950 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(14), int64(3)
memory usage: 1.2 MB
n = len(creditcard_df.columns)


# distplot combines the matplotlib.hist function with seaborn kdeplot()
# KDE Plot represents the Kernel Density Estimate
# KDE is used for visualizing the Probability Density of a continuous variable. 
# KDE demonstrates the probability density at different values in a continuous variable. 

# Mean of balance is $1500
# 'Balance_Frequency' for most customers is updated frequently ~1
# For 'PURCHASES_FREQUENCY', there are two distinct group of customers
# For 'ONEOFF_PURCHASES_FREQUENCY' and 'PURCHASES_INSTALLMENT_FREQUENCY' most users don't do one off puchases or installment purchases frequently 
# Very small number of customers pay their balance in full 'PRC_FULL_PAYMENT'~0
# Credit limit average is around $4500
# Most customers are ~11 years tenure

for i in range(len(creditcard_df.columns)):
  plt.subplot(17, 1, i+1)
  sns.distplot(creditcard_df[creditcard_df.columns[i]], kde_kws={"color": "b", "lw": 3, "label": "KDE"}, hist_kws={"color": "g"})


Получение корреляционной матрицы между признаками.

correlations = creditcard_df.corr()
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (20, 10))
sns.heatmap(correlations, annot = True)

Используйте библиотеку Scikit-Learn, чтобы найти оптимальное количество кластеров с помощью метода локтя.

Метод локтя – это эвристический метод интерпретации и проверки согласованности в кластерном анализе, предназначенный для поиска подходящего количества кластеров в наборе данных.

Если линейный график выглядит как рука, то «локоть» на руке — это наилучшее значение k.

# Let's scale the data first
scaler = StandardScaler()
creditcard_df_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(creditcard_df)

(8950, 17)

array([[-0.73198937, -0.24943448, -0.42489974, ..., -0.31096755,
        -0.52555097,  0.36067954],
       [ 0.78696085,  0.13432467, -0.46955188, ...,  0.08931021,
         0.2342269 ,  0.36067954],
       [ 0.44713513,  0.51808382, -0.10766823, ..., -0.10166318,
        -0.52555097,  0.36067954],
       [-0.7403981 , -0.18547673, -0.40196519, ..., -0.33546549,
         0.32919999, -4.12276757],
       [-0.74517423, -0.18547673, -0.46955188, ..., -0.34690648,
         0.32919999, -4.12276757],
       [-0.57257511, -0.88903307,  0.04214581, ..., -0.33294642,
        -0.52555097, -4.12276757]])
#       'TENURE'], dtype='object')

scores_1 = []
range_values= range (1, 20)

for i in range_values:
  kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters= i)

plt.plot(scores_1, 'bx-')

# From this we can observe that, 4th cluster seems to be forming the elbow of the curve. 
# However, the values does not reduce linearly until 8th cluster. 
# Let's choose the number of clusters to be 7 or 8.

Применение k-средних с помощью Scikit-Learn для сегментации клиентов

kmeans = KMeans(7)
labels = kmeans.labels_ # labels (cluster) associated to each data point
(7, 17)
#create the dataframe that consists on the kmeans.cluster_centers_

cluster_centers = pd.DataFrame(data = kmeans.cluster_centers_, columns = [creditcard_df.columns])

# In order to understand what these numbers mean, let's perform inverse transformation
cluster_centers = scaler.inverse_transform(cluster_centers)
cluster_centers = pd.DataFrame(data = cluster_centers, columns = [creditcard_df.columns])

# First Customers cluster (Transactors): Those are customers who pay least amount of intrerest charges and careful with their money, Cluster with lowest balance ($104) and cash advance ($303), Percentage of full payment = 23%
# Second customers cluster (revolvers) who use credit card as a loan (most lucrative sector): highest balance ($5000) and cash advance (~$5000), low purchase frequency, high cash advance frequency (0.5), high cash advance transactions (16) and low percentage of full payment (3%)
# Third customer cluster (VIP/Prime): high credit limit $16K and highest percentage of full payment, target for increase credit limit and increase spending habits
# Fourth customer cluster (low tenure): these are customers with low tenure (7 years), low balance

labels.shape # Labels associated to each data point


y_kmeans = kmeans.fit_predict(creditcard_df_scaled)
array([6, 2, 0, ..., 5, 5, 5], dtype=int32)

# concatenate the clusters labels to our original dataframe
creditcard_df_cluster = pd.concat([creditcard_df, pd.DataFrame({'cluster':labels})], axis = 1)

# Plot the histogram of various clusters
for i in creditcard_df.columns:
  plt.figure(figsize = (35, 5))
  for j in range(7):
    cluster = creditcard_df_cluster[creditcard_df_cluster['cluster'] == j]
    cluster[i].hist(bins = 20)
    plt.title('{}    \nCluster {} '.format(i,j))

Применение метода анализа основных компонентов (PCA) для уменьшения размерности и визуализации данных

# Obtain the principal components 
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
principal_comp = pca.fit_transform(creditcard_df_scaled)
array([[-1.6822199 , -1.07644877],
       [-1.13829078,  2.5064681 ],
       [ 0.96968555, -0.38353756],
       [-0.92620432, -1.8107839 ],
       [-2.33655655, -0.65793819],
       [-0.55642671, -0.40044766]])

# Create a dataframe with the two components
pca_df = pd.DataFrame(data = principal_comp, columns =['pca1','pca2'])

# Concatenate the clusters labels to the dataframe
pca_df = pd.concat([pca_df,pd.DataFrame({'cluster':labels})], axis = 1)

ax = sns.scatterplot(x="pca1", y="pca2", hue = "cluster", data = pca_df, palette =['red','green','blue','pink','yellow','gray','purple'])