Простая спецификация стиля Scala Given/When/Then не удалась

Я новичок в Spec2 и пытаюсь его изучить. Я придумал следующие коды,

class GWTStyleSpec extends Specification {
    "A given-when-then example for the addition" ^
       "Given the following number: ${1}" ^ number1 ^
       "And a second number: ${2}" ^ number2 ^
       "Then I should get: ${3}" ^ result ^
   val number1: Given[Int] = (_: String).toInt
   val number2: When[Int, (Int, Int)] = (n1: Int) => (s: String) => (n1, s.toInt)
   val result: Then[(Int, Int)] = (n: (Int, Int)) => (s: String) => ((n._1 + n._2) must_== s.toInt)

После его запуска я получил java.lang.Exception: не удалось создать экземпляр класса com.me.scala.start.GWTStyleSpec: null и с большим количеством трассировки стека исключений под ним.

Что я сделал не так для этого?

person user1484819    schedule 18.04.2013    source источник

Ответы (1)

Если вы импортируете org.specs2.Specification, то должен быть определен метод def is = ...:

class GWTStyleSpec extends Specification { def is = 
  "A given-when-then example for the addition" ^
     "Given the following number: ${1}"        ^ number1 ^
     "And a second number: ${2}"               ^ number2 ^
     "Then I should get: ${3}"                 ^ result ^
  lazy val number1: Given[Int] = (_: String).toInt
  lazy val number2: When[Int, (Int, Int)] = (n1: Int) => (s: String) => (n1, s.toInt)
  lazy val result: Then[(Int, Int)] = (n: (Int, Int)) => (s: String) => ((n._1 + n._2) must_== s.toInt)

Также возможно, что экземпляры val создаются неправильно, поэтому вы можете попробовать использовать lazy vals.

Также обратите внимание, что следующая версия spec2 (1.15-SNAPSHOT) предлагает другой стиль спецификаций Given/When/Then, основанный на функциях Scala 2.10:

class GivenWhenThenInterpolatedSpec extends Specification with GivenWhenThen { def is = sequential ^ s2"""                   

 A given-when-then example for a calculator                                                                                  
   Given the following number: 1                             $aNumber                                                        
   And a second number: 2                                    $aNumber                                                        
   And a third number: 6                                     $aNumber                                                        
   When I use this operator: +                               $operator                                                       
   Then I should get: 9                                      $result                                                         
   And it should be >: 0                                     $greaterThan                                                    

 Now with the multiplication                                                                                                 
   Given the following number: 4                             $aNumber                                                        
   And a second number: 5                                    $aNumber                                                        
   And a third number: 6                                     $aNumber                                                        
   When I use this operator: *                               $operator                                                       
   Then I should get: 120                                    $result                                                         
   And it should be >: 10                                    $greaterThan                                                    
   But not should be >: 150                                  $lowerThan                                                      

  val readInt = groupAs("\\d+")                                                                                              
  val readOperator = readAs(".*: (.)$")                                                                                      
  val aNumber: Given[Int] = readInt and { s: String => s.toInt }                                                             

  // when there are too many Given[T, S] consecutive steps, it is possible to follow them with a When[Seq[T], S]             
  val operator: When[Seq[Int], Operation] = readOperator and { (numbers: Seq[Int]) => (s: String) => Operation(numbers, s) } 

  val result: Then[Operation] = readInt andThen { (operation: Operation) => (s: String) =>                                   
    operation.calculate  must_== s.toInt                                                                                     
  val greaterThan: Then[Operation] = readInt andThen { (operation: Operation) => (s: String) =>                              
    operation.calculate  must be_>= (s.toInt)                                                                                
  val lowerThan: Then[Operation] = readInt andThen { (operation: Operation) => (s: String) =>                                
    operation.calculate  must be_<= (s.toInt)                                                                                

  case class Operation(numbers: Seq[Int], operator: String) {                                                                
    def calculate: Int = if (operator == "+") numbers.sum else numbers.product                                               

person Eric    schedule 18.04.2013