Грамматика Regex BNF

Есть ли грамматика BNF для регулярных выражений?

person Julien Grenier    schedule 05.11.2008    source источник

Ответы (3)

Вы можете увидеть его для Perl regexp (отображается немного подробнее здесь, как написано edg)

person VonC    schedule 05.11.2008

Чтобы разместить их на сайте:

CMPT 384 Lecture Notes Роберт Д. Кэмерон 29 ноября - 1 декабря 1999 г.

BNF Grammar of Regular Expressions

Following the precedence rules given previously, a BNF grammar for Perl-style regular expressions can be constructed as follows.
<RE>    ::=     <union> | <simple-RE>
<union>     ::= <RE> "|" <simple-RE>
<simple-RE>     ::=     <concatenation> | <basic-RE>
<concatenation>     ::= <simple-RE> <basic-RE>
<basic-RE>  ::= <star> | <plus> | <elementary-RE>
<star>  ::= <elementary-RE> "*"
<plus>  ::= <elementary-RE> "+"
<elementary-RE>     ::= <group> | <any> | <eos> | <char> | <set>
<group>     ::=     "(" <RE> ")"
<any>   ::=     "."
<eos>   ::=     "$"
<char>  ::=     any non metacharacter | "\" metacharacter
<set>   ::=     <positive-set> | <negative-set>
<positive-set>  ::=     "[" <set-items> "]"
<negative-set>  ::=     "[^" <set-items> "]"
<set-items>     ::=     <set-item> | <set-item> <set-items>
<set-items>     ::=     <range> | <char>
<range>     ::=     <char> "-" <char>

через VonC.

--- Кнуд ван Иден --- 21 октября 2003 г. - 03:22 --------------------

PERL: Поиск / Замена: Регулярное выражение: Форма Бэкуса Наура: Какой возможен BNF для регулярного выражения?

expression = term

             term | expression

term = factor

       factor term

factor = atom

         atom metacharacter

atom = character


       ( expression )

       [ characterclass ]

       [ ^ characterclass ]

       { min }

       { min ,  }

       { min , max }

characterclass = characterrange

                 characterrange characterclass

characterrange = begincharacter

                 begincharacter - endcharacter

begincharacter = character

endcharacter = character

character =


            \ anycharacterexceptspecialcharacters

metacharacter = ?

                * {=0 or more, greedy}

                *? {=0 or more, non-greedy}

                + {=1 or more, greedy}

                +? {=1 or more, non-greedy}

                ^ {=begin of line character}

                $ {=end of line character}

                $` {=the characters to the left of the match}

                $' {=the characters to the right of the match}

                $& {=the characters that are matched}

                \t {=tab character}

                \n {=newline character}

                \r {=carriage return character}

                \f {=form feed character}

                \cX {=control character CTRL-X}

                \N {=the characters in Nth tag (if on match side)}

                $N{=the characters in Nth tag (if not on match side)}

                \NNN {=octal code for character NNN}

                \b {=match a 'word' boundary}

                \B {=match not a 'word' boundary}

                \d {=a digit, [0-9]}

                \D {=not a digit, [^0-9]}

                \s {=whitespace, [ \t\n\r\f]}

                \S {=not a whitespace, [^ \t\n\r\f]}

                \w {='word' character, [a-zA-Z0-9_]}

                \W {=not a 'word' character, [^a-zA-Z0-9_]}

                \Q {=put a quote (de-meta) on characters, until \E}

                \U {=change characters to uppercase, until \E}

                \L {=change characters to uppercase, until \E}

min = integer

max = integer

integer = digit

          digit integer

anycharacter = ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / :
               ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
               0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
               A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
               a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


[book: see also: Bucknall, Julian - the Tomes of Delphi: Algorithms 
and Datastructures - p. 37 - 'Using regular expressions' - 


Internet: see also:


Compiler: Grammar: Expression: Regular: Which grammar defines set of 
all regular expressions? [BNF]


Perl Regular Expression: Quick Reference 1.05


Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Regular Expressions: Perl


TSE: Search/Replace:Regular Expression:Backus Naur Form:What is 
possible BNF for regular expression?


Delphi: Search: Regular expression: Create: How to create a regular 
expression parser in Delphi?


Delphi: Search: Regular expression: How to add regular expression 
searching to Delphi? [Systools]


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person n611x007    schedule 24.09.2015