Как заставить IDR-кадр использовать x264 C API?

Я пытаюсь использовать внешний логический сигнал, чтобы заставить следующий закодированный кадр быть IDR-кадром, используя API x264 C. Я использую базовый профиль с предустановками «сверхбыстрый» и «нулевой задержки». Я пытался использовать настройки входного изображения перед кодированием, как в этом фрагменте кода, но это не сработало. Здесь показаны методы моего класса Open() и Encode(). Любая помощь будет оценена.

int X264Encoder::Open(void)
  if (_x264VideoEncoder != NULL)

  // Set up default parameters.
  if (x264_param_default_preset(&_param, _encoderSpeedPreset.c_str(), "zerolatency") < 0)  // 0=success, -1=failed
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Default parameter preset failed with " + _encoderSpeedPreset; return(0); }

  // Set non-default params.
  _param.i_bitdepth       = 8;
  _param.i_csp            = _colourSpaceMapping[_colourSpace]; // Input colour space
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Incompatible colour space " + to_string(_colourSpace); return(0); }
  _param.i_width          = _width;
  _param.i_height         = _height;
  _param.i_fps_num        = _videoRateNumerator;
  _param.i_fps_den        = _videoRateDenominator;

  _param.rc.i_bitrate     = _avgBitsPerSecond / 1000; // bitrate units are in kbits/s

  _param.i_threads        = 1;
  _param.b_vfr_input      = 0;  // VFR input.  If 1, use timebase and timestamps for ratecontrol purposes. If 0, use fps only.
  _param.b_repeat_headers = 1;  // Put SPS/PPS before each keyframe
  _param.b_annexb         = 1;  // If set, place start codes (4 bytes) before NAL units, otherwise place size (4 bytes) before NAL units.

  // Apply profile restrictions.
  if (x264_param_apply_profile(&_param, _profile.c_str()) < 0)  // 0=success, -1=failed
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Unable to set profile " + _profile; return(0); }

  // Initialise the encoder input pic buffer.
  if (x264_picture_alloc(&_picIn, _param.i_csp, _param.i_width, _param.i_height) < 0)
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Unable to alloc input picture buffer"; return(0); }
  _inPicIsAllocated = true;

  // Instantiate the encoder.
  _x264VideoEncoder = x264_encoder_open(&_param);
  if (_x264VideoEncoder == NULL)
    _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Unable to instantiate the encoder"; 
    // Clean up before exit.
    _inPicIsAllocated = false;
  }//end if !_x264VideoEncoder...

  // Frame counting for pts timestamps.
  _frameNum     = 0;
  _lastPicType  = 0; // IDR-frame


}//end Open.

int X264Encoder::Encode(void* pSrc, void* pCmp, void* codeParameter)
  _encodedFrameSize = 0;

  // Validation house work.
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: Not ready"; return(0); }

  if(!pSrc || !pCmp)
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: Invalid function parameter list"; return(0); }

  // Load input image. 
  if(_param.i_csp != X264_CSP_I420) // Can only process I420 input colour space.
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: I420 colour space required"; return(0); }
  uint32_t lumSize = _width * _height;
  uint32_t chrSize = lumSize / 4;
  // Transfer the input source image into the x264 picture img structure.
  uint8_t* pImg = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pSrc);
  memcpy_s(_picIn.img.plane[0], lumSize, pImg, lumSize);
  pImg += lumSize;
  memcpy_s(_picIn.img.plane[1], chrSize, pImg, chrSize);
  pImg += chrSize;
  memcpy_s(_picIn.img.plane[2], chrSize, pImg, chrSize);

  // Encode single frame
  _picIn.i_pts = _frameNum;
  if (_idrFrameRequired) 
    _picIn.i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR; 
    //... and clear the signal.
    _idrFrameRequired = false; 
  }//end if _idrFrameRequired...
    _picIn.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;

  _encodedFrameSize = x264_encoder_encode(_x264VideoEncoder, &_nal, &_nalCnt, &_picIn, &_picOut);
  if (_encodedFrameSize > 0)
    // Write the encoded stream to the output.
    uint8_t* pOut = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pCmp);
    memcpy_s(pOut, _encodedFrameSize, _nal->p_payload, _encodedFrameSize);
  }//end else if _encodedFrameSize...
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: Encode process failed"; return(0); }

  _lastPicType = 1; // Non-IDR
  if (_picOut.i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR)
    _lastPicType = 0; // IDR

  d.push_back({ _encodedFrameSize, _lastPicType });

}//end Encode...

person Keith    schedule 27.10.2020    source источник
but this has not worked Что в нем не сработало? Меня устраивает.   -  person szatmary    schedule 27.10.2020
Мои извинения, похоже, мой тестовый код был ошибочным. Я предлагаю незавершенный код класса ниже для всех, кто заинтересован в обертке x264.   -  person Keith    schedule 28.10.2020

Ответы (1)

Класс-оболочка x264, использующий общий интерфейс ICodecv3 для последовательного использования других кодеков, может быть полезен для других. Это определение и реализация класса:

    // Class to encapsulate the X264 encoder.
    #pragma once
    #include <inttypes.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <x264.h>
    #include <ICodecv3.h>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <chrono>
    #include <unordered_map>
    class X264Encoder : public ICodecv3
      //--------------- ICodecv3 Interface ----------------------------------------------------
      int             GetParameter(const std::string type, std::string& value);
      int             SetParameter(const std::string type, const std::string& value);
      void        GetParameterName(int ordinal, std::string& name) {}
      std::string GetErrorStrEx(void) { std::string errStr = _errStr; _errStr.clear(); return(errStr); } // Clear after use
      int         Ready(void) { if (_x264VideoEncoder != NULL) return(1); return(0); }
      long        GetCompressedBitLengthL(void) { return(_encodedFrameSize*8); }
      long        GetCompressedByteLengthL(void) { return(_encodedFrameSize); }
      void*       GetReference(int refNum) { return(NULL); }
      void        Restart(void) { _idrFrameRequired = true; }
      int         Open(void);
      int         Close(void);
      int         Encode(void* pSrc, void* pCmp, void* codeParameter);
      int         Decode(void* pCmp, int bitLength, void* pDst) { return(0); } // Decoding is not implemented.
      //--------------- ICodecv2 Interface ----------------------------------------------------
      // Version 2 has been superceded by version 3 and therefore none are implemented. For 
      // backward compatibility only.
      int         GetParameter(const char* type, int* length, void* value)      { return(0); }
      void        GetParameterName(int ordinal, const char** name, int* length) {}
      int         SetParameter(const char* type, const char* value)             { return(0); }
      char*       GetErrorStr(void)                                             { return(NULL); }
      int         GetCompressedBitLength(void)                                  { return(0); }
      int         GetCompressedByteLength(void)                                 { return(0); }
      int         Code(void* pSrc, void* pCmp, int codeParameter)               { return(0); }
      //--------------- Implementation specific Interface --------------------------------------
      x264_t*         _x264VideoEncoder;
      x264_param_t    _param;
      x264_picture_t  _picIn;
      bool            _inPicIsAllocated;
      x264_picture_t  _picOut;
      int             _frameNum;  // Used for internal pts timestamp incremented after each encode.
      long            _encodedFrameSize;
      bool            _idrFrameRequired;  // Signal an IDR-frame to the Encode() method
      x264_nal_t*     _nal;
      int             _nalCnt;
      std::string     _errStr;
      uint32_t        _colourSpace;
      uint32_t        _width;
      uint32_t        _height;
      uint32_t        _videoRateNumerator;
      uint32_t        _videoRateDenominator;
      uint32_t        _avgBitsPerSecond;
      uint32_t        _lastPicType; // 0=IDR-frame, 1=P/D-frame
      // Implementation specific params.
      std::string     _encoderSpeedPreset;
      std::string     _profile;
      std::unordered_map<std::string, void*>  _parameters = // Hold all the settings for the encoder.
        { "incolour", &_colourSpace },
        { "width", &_width },
        { "height", &_height },
        { "frame rate numerator", &_videoRateNumerator },
        { "frame rate denominator", &_videoRateDenominator },
        { "avg bits per second", &_avgBitsPerSecond },
        { "encoder speed preset", &_encoderSpeedPreset },
        { "profile", &_profile },
        { "last pic coding type", &_lastPicType } // Read only.
      std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int> _colourSpaceMapping = // Translate external "incolour" to x264 csp
        { 17, X264_CSP_I420 },
        { 18, X264_CSP_NV12 },
        {  0, X264_CSP_BGR  },
        {  1, X264_CSP_BGRA }
    };//end X264Encoder.

// Class to encapsulate the X264 encoder.

#include <X264Encoder.h>
#include <memory.h>

using namespace std;

X264Encoder::X264Encoder(void) :
  // Initialise the _param member with something.
  x264_param_default_preset(&_param, _encoderSpeedPreset.c_str(), NULL);
}//end constructor.

}//end destructor.

int X264Encoder::GetParameter(const string type, string& value)
  // _parameters map is never empty so no check required.
  void* vp = _parameters[type];
  if (vp != NULL)
    if ((type == "encoder speed preset") || (type == "profile"))
      value = *((string*)vp);
//    else if (type == "timestamp units")  // int32_t type
//      value = to_string(*((int32_t*)vp));
//    else if (type == "timestamp offset")  // int64_t type
//      value = to_string(*((int64_t*)vp));
      value = to_string(*((uint32_t*)vp));  // For parameter values that are all uint32_t
  }//end if vp...

}//end GetParameter.

int X264Encoder::SetParameter(const string type, const string& value)
  if (value.empty()) return(0);

  // _parameters is never empty so no check required.
  void* vp = _parameters[type];
  if (vp != NULL)
    if ((type == "encoder speed preset") || (type == "profile"))
      *((string*)vp) = value;
    //    else if (type == "timestamp units")  // int32_t type
    //      *((int32_t*)vp) = stoi(value);
    //    else if (type == "timestamp offset")  // int64_t type
    //      *((int64_t*)vp) = stoi(value);
    else if (type == "last pic coding type")  // Read only - do not set.
      *((uint32_t*)vp) = stoi(value);
  }//end if vp...

}//end SetParameter.

// Open the X264 encoder.
// Any non-default parameters must be set prior to calling this method. Create a default set and 
// modify them with the new parameters. then the encoder is instantiated.
// Return 1=success, 0=failure.
int X264Encoder::Open(void)
  if (_x264VideoEncoder != NULL)

  // Set up default parameters.
  if (x264_param_default_preset(&_param, _encoderSpeedPreset.c_str(), "zerolatency") < 0)  // 0=success, -1=failed
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Default parameter preset failed with " + _encoderSpeedPreset; return(0); }

  // Set non-default params.
  _param.i_bitdepth       = 8;
  _param.i_csp            = _colourSpaceMapping[_colourSpace]; // Input colour space
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Incompatible colour space " + to_string(_colourSpace); return(0); }
  _param.i_width          = _width;
  _param.i_height         = _height;
  _param.i_fps_num        = _videoRateNumerator;
  _param.i_fps_den        = _videoRateDenominator;

  _param.rc.i_bitrate     = _avgBitsPerSecond / 1000; // bitrate units are in kbits/s

  _param.i_threads        = 1;
  _param.b_vfr_input      = 0;  // VFR input.  If 1, use timebase and timestamps for ratecontrol purposes. If 0, use fps only.
  _param.b_repeat_headers = 1;  // Put SPS/PPS before each keyframe
  _param.b_annexb         = 1;  // If set, place start codes (4 bytes) before NAL units, otherwise place size (4 bytes) before NAL units.

  // Apply profile restrictions.
  if (x264_param_apply_profile(&_param, _profile.c_str()) < 0)  // 0=success, -1=failed
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Unable to set profile " + _profile; return(0); }

  // Initialise the encoder input pic buffer.
  if (x264_picture_alloc(&_picIn, _param.i_csp, _param.i_width, _param.i_height) < 0)
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Unable to alloc input picture buffer"; return(0); }
  _inPicIsAllocated = true;

  // Instantiate the encoder.
  _x264VideoEncoder = x264_encoder_open(&_param);
  if (_x264VideoEncoder == NULL)
    _errStr = "X264Encoder::Open: Unable to instantiate the encoder"; 
    // Clean up before exit.
    _inPicIsAllocated = false;
  }//end if !_x264VideoEncoder...

  // Frame counting for pts timestamps.
  _frameNum     = 0;
  _lastPicType  = 0; // IDR-frame

}//end Open.

// Close the encoder.
int X264Encoder::Close(void)
  if (_x264VideoEncoder != NULL)
    _x264VideoEncoder = NULL;
  }//end if _x264VideoEncoder...

  // Input pic structure.
  if (_inPicIsAllocated)
  _inPicIsAllocated = false;

}//end Close.

int X264Encoder::Encode(void* pSrc, void* pCmp, void* codeParameter)
  _encodedFrameSize = 0;

  // Validation house work.
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: Not ready"; return(0); }

  if(!pSrc || !pCmp)
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: Invalid function parameter list"; return(0); }

  // Load input image. 
  if(_param.i_csp != X264_CSP_I420) // Can only process I420 input colour space.
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: I420 colour space required"; return(0); }
  uint32_t lumSize = _width * _height;
  uint32_t chrSize = lumSize / 4;
  // Transfer the input source image into the x264 picture img structure.
  uint8_t* pImg = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pSrc);
  memcpy_s(_picIn.img.plane[0], lumSize, pImg, lumSize);
  pImg += lumSize;
  memcpy_s(_picIn.img.plane[1], chrSize, pImg, chrSize);
  pImg += chrSize;
  memcpy_s(_picIn.img.plane[2], chrSize, pImg, chrSize);

  // Encode single frame
  _picIn.i_pts = _frameNum;
  if (_idrFrameRequired) 
    _picIn.i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR; 
    //... and clear the signal.
    _idrFrameRequired = false; 
  }//end if _idrFrameRequired...
    _picIn.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;

  _encodedFrameSize = x264_encoder_encode(_x264VideoEncoder, &_nal, &_nalCnt, &_picIn, &_picOut);
  if (_encodedFrameSize > 0)
    // Write the encoded stream to the output.
    uint8_t* pOut = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pCmp);
    memcpy_s(pOut, _encodedFrameSize, _nal->p_payload, _encodedFrameSize);
  }//end else if _encodedFrameSize...
    { _errStr = "X264Encoder::Encode: Encode process failed"; return(0); }

  _lastPicType = 1; // Non-IDR
  if (_picOut.i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR)
    _lastPicType = 0; // IDR

}//end Encode...

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person Keith    schedule 28.10.2020